Still Working On The Site - Almost There!

I had yet another occasion to promote my work but missed the boat because I had been dragging my feet. This past weekend was the City of Homestead EcoFair. The very same EcoFair that I discovered the South Florida National Parks Camera Club 3 years ago. The same fair where I hope we inspired others to join and get as much out of it as I did.

But, I had a woman want to buy my "Anniversary" Biscayne Sunrise photo. I may have over priced myself for a sale as she walked away. I did give her my name and email address and told her a website was in the works. Hopefully she did look up my Photography Facebook Site and will be contacting me about another image. That would be sweet!

So I did a race to the finish so to speak to get my images all 'starred' so I know which ones to include in my portfolio. Unfortunately, I am way to indecisive to make such calls. In turn, I have way more images in my portfolio than one should have. And that will come with further experience. Its a process and one I hope to continue. I don't have any illusions of getting rich off of my work, but a few $$ here and there to pay for a night away to photograph something new would be nice.

But now, with the help from my friend Jason Eldridge, the website is functional and not bad to look at either. I have links to both my Facebook and Instagram pages and other websites. Feel free to leave a comment or two (once I get that function operational).

Until next time... get out there and see what you can see.